

No matter where you are starting, training at Discovery will help you improve all aspects of your life.  Seriously. A stronger, healthier, more confident you will be better at everything you want to do in life. You will get stronger each day, burn body fat, get all of your stress out, and be supported by a community of amazing people.  Our expert coaches guide, counsel, and encourage you every step along the way.

Each class consists of a warm up, skill development, the workout of the day, and a cool down (mobility/accessory work).  We tailor each workout to your specific needs. You’ll work hard, have fun, and gain fitness in a positive environment



Your goals are our goals. Whether you ARE someone who wants individual help LOSING WEIGHT, a HIGH-ACHIEVER with a time crunched schedule, an athlete that needs sports specific training, or just plain prefer one-on-one attention, we have you covered.

Many of our clients train with our awesome coaches outside of group fitness classes. We offer time-efficient 45 minute sessions (one on one or in small groups). Let’s meet up to make a plan customized for you.

Please fill out the form below to get started!



Just because you are over 60 does NOT mean it's time to sit on a park bench and feed the pigeons all day.  As we get a bit older, being healthy and fit is even MORE important than before. Forever Fit is a functional training program designed to help you build the strength, stamina and flexibility that you need to enjoy life to the fullest.  

Forever Fit Classes are 1 hour long and are held at 8:15AM am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monthly Membership is $129.

We can help you develop the lifestyle habits proven to prevent chronic diseases, build muscle, increase bone mass and make you feel amazing.

From the very beginning, Discovery’s motto has been “Forging Lifelong Fitness,” and we really mean it! Join us for a fun, safe, and effective group workout that is specifically designed to keep you doing all the things you love to do for the long haul!


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Watch this video for some quick tips on training for a lifetime of health, fitness and vitality from one of our most experienced members, Roni.